Parent Survey

We are looking ahead to Phase 3 now that we’ve completed our Phase 2 Plan. We are looking forward to welcoming customers back to our shop during Phase 2 of the re-opening plan and implementing our Phase 2 safety guidelines. Phase 3 re-opening will allow gatherings of 50 people, outdoor recreations, movie theaters, and restaurant tables of no more than 10 occupants per table. Although we await specific guidelines, we are looking ahead to what we can do to mitigate any safety concerns for parents and their children with regards to our Summer Art Camp. We want to be as thoughtful and responsive, to the extent we can, to your concerns.

Please take a moment to review our Phase 2 Plan and then complete this very brief survey to tell us what is important to you in regards to feeling safe about your kids attending our Summer Art Camp as we look ahead to Phase 3 of reopening.